Term 1 Week 2 2024
From Your Principal
Prep Blue
Prep/Year 1 Gold
Year 2 Blue
Year 2 Gold
Year 3
Year 4/5 Blue
Year 5/6 Gold
School Fees - Term 1 2024
Student Data Collection
Right to Disconnect
Responsible Use of Digital Devices - Webinar
Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting
Triple M Wednesday Weather
Outside School Hours Care - January 2024
Bus Queensland 2024 School Bus Passes
From Your Principal

Welcome to the first newsletter for 2024. This year we welcome many new staff and families to the Holy Name Community. Thank you to everyone for the very warm welcome we have all received.
Being new to the Holy Name Community, I thought I would take the opportunity to introduce myself. My husband Brendan and I have three adult children (two daughters and a son) and live on a farm near Pittsworth. I have worked in Catholic Education for over 25 years in a variety of schools and positions, from St Finbarr’s in Quilpie, as the Learning Support Teacher at St Mary’s College, APRE at St Stephen’s in Pittsworth and St Monica’s in Oakey, and as an Education Officer in the Mission and Identity Team at the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office. Last year, I returned to the classroom and had a wonderful year teaching Year 3 at St Saviour’s Primary School. Outside of school, I enjoy singing and performing in Musical Theatre, cooking, reading and craft.
I am passionate about education and am looking forward to building positive relationships with the staff, students and families of this wonderful school over the coming years. During the pupil free days at the beginning of the year, I shared with the staff some of my beliefs as an educator that I bring to my role as Principal.
- That we have all been created in the image and likeness of God and should be treated with respect and dignity. In education, we are continuing the work of Jesus.
- That our purpose as a school is to provide an environment where our students are equipped and enabled to live full and flourishing lives.
- That ALL students are capable of achieving academic success, no matter what their barriers to learning may be AND that academic success will look different for individuals.
- That we have all been called to be Stewards of Creation and guide our students to love and care for the Earth.
- That asking for help and advice is a strength not a weakness.
- That by knowing our students well, using the data, and planning and teaching effectively, our students will experience success.
The Gospel Values in the Mercy Tradition of Compassion, Excellence, Hospitality and Justice underpin everything we do here at Holy Name. Our focus this term is on showing Compassion. The staff have unpacked what Compassion looks like, feels like and sounds like at Holy Name and will be working on this with the students throughout the term. I have been very impressed with the Compassion the staff have demonstrated towards their colleagues and the students in the short time I have been here. In the words of Catherine McAuley, they have done ‘ordinary things extraordinarily well.’
In this newsletter you will see there are several documents relating to communication with the school, particularly with teachers. Please take the time to read these documents and contact the office if you have any questions or concerns. Your first point of contact is always your child’s class teacher.
Our school’s logo and uniforms
You may have noticed that we have started to use a refreshed school logo. The change has been to ensure that our school’s name is prominent in the logo, and the first thing you read. Below are images showing the old logo and the refreshed logo.
Old logo Refreshed logo
We believed this was an important tweak to make as we continue to build our school’s identity within and across the community.
At the same time, we reviewed our school uniform and where you can buy it.
Our new supplier has provided us with good advice to ensure that the cost of our uniform is as economical as possible. They firstly noticed that our girl’s formal blouse and dress had two different collar types and suggested having one type on both would reduce manufacturing time and costs. We have agreed and when buying new uniforms you will see this change. As our logo is quite detailed, only a small section of the logo currently appears on the blouse and dress. The updated collar will no longer have this embroidered section of the logo.
On other uniform pieces, the refreshed logo will appear, replacing the old logo.
Please be assured that existing uniforms, that are still of good quality, can continue to be worn. It will only be when you purchase new uniforms that you will notice the change.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the school.
A huge thank you to the members of the P&F who have volunteered their time to run the uniform shop for many years. Next Tuesday 6th of February at 5:00pm is the P&F AGM (Annual General Meeting). I encourage all our new and existing families to consider joining the P&F as it is great way to be involved in your child/ren’s education. Everyone is welcome to attend.
I look forward to continuing to meet our families and to get the know the students. I am excited about the year ahead.
God Bless
Lisa Cavanagh
As we embark on another exciting academic year filled with promise, growth and faith, I extend a warm welcome to our new and existing families to Holy Name Primary School. As the Assistant Principal – Religious Education (APRE), I am honoured to share in the mission of nurturing hearts, minds, and spirits through the values instilled by the Sisters of Mercy. Inspired by the teachings of Catherine McAuley, at Holy Name Primary School, our focus extends beyond academic excellence to encompass the holistic development of each child, embracing the Mercy Values, our Powers of the Heart, of Hospitality, Compassion, Justice and Excellence.
As we set sail into the upcoming school year, we are filled with anticipation for the spiritual and educational adventures that await us. From liturgical celebrations to community service projects, we look forward to creating lasting memories and deepening our shared commitment to Mercy Values.
May the spirit of Catherine McAuley continue to guide us in all that we do. Here’s to a blessed and successful academic year at Holy Name Primary School.
Kerri-Ann Manthey
God of endings and beginnings,
As we begin our journey together, we place our trust and hope in you.
You are our companion and friend.
Help us to learn from you how we can care for each other every day.
Term One Date Claimers:
Friday 02 February Year Six Leadership Retreat (School)
Wednesday 07 February 9.00am Opening Mass (Holy Name Church)
Sunday 11 February 9.00am Project Compassion Launch (St Patrick’s Cathedral)
Wednesday 14 February Ash Wednesday Prayer Celebration 8.45am (MEAC) Beginning of Lent
Friday 16 February Year Five/Six Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Friday 23 February Year Four/Five Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Friday 01 March Year Three G Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Friday 08 March Year Three B Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Monday 25 March Mindfulness Monday
Thursday 28 March New Life Prayer Celebration 2.00pm (MEAC) Holy Thursday
Friday 20 March Good Friday
Sunday 31 March Easter Sunday
Prep Blue

As we embark on this journey together, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to both returning and new families joining our Holy Name Prep Class community.
I am honoured to be your child's teacher for the upcoming school year. I am dedicated to creating an inclusive, safe, and engaging learning environment where each child can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
As we kick off the school year, my primary goal is to work collaboratively with students and parents to ensure that every student has the best possible experience. I strongly believe in the power of partnership between educators and families, and I am eager to build a strong connection with each one of you.
I am thrilled to welcome Pru Thomas to our class as a student officer. Pru brings with her a wealth of enthusiasm and dedication to her role, making her a valuable addition to our educational community. Her genuine passion for working with prep students is evident in the positive energy she brings to the classroom.
Curriculum Focus:
In Religion, students will listen and respond to stories of and about Jesus in the Gospels that tell of Jesus praying and teaching others to pray. They will participate in a variety of prayer experiences, including meditative prayer, the Sign of the Cross, Amen and meditative prayer practices.
In English, students will delve into the enchanting world of Julia Donaldson's books, fostering a love for literature while honing essential early literacy skills. Students will have the opportunity to express their character preferences, developing a deeper connection to the stories and characters. The class aims to build on the students' foundational understanding of print concepts, such as recognising letters and understanding how words are formed on a page.
In Maths, students will name, represent and order numbers to 10 using physical and virtual materials and numerals. Students will sequence the days of the week and times of the day including morning, lunchtime, afternoon and night time, and connect them to familiar events and actions. They will recognise, copy and continue repeating patterns represented in different ways. Students will collect and sort data and answer yes/no questions. They will sort data according to simple categories.
In Science, students will investigate the basic needs for survival of plants and living things. They will explore and observe what happens when their needs are not met.
In HaSS, students will explore who they are in their family. Students will engage in different activities that will increase their understanding of themselves, their family and their past.
Prep Info:
Library: Tuesday – please bring library bags on Tuesday
Homework folders: Return folders daily to help establish routines and to allow us to send notes home.
Assembly: Thursday 2:30pm in the MEAC. Parents are welcome to attend.
I look forward to working together to make this school year a fantastic and enriching experience for our young learners. Thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of being a part of your child's educational journey.
Here's to a year filled with growth, discovery, and success!
Kind regards,
Tennille Kauter
Prep Blue Teacher

Prep/Year 1 Gold
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and excited for the start of a brand-new school year! I extend a warm welcome to our returning families and an extra special welcome to our new students and their families who are embarking on their educational journey with us. Our school community is thrilled to welcome the newest members of our school family – the Prep students.
The beginning of the school year is a time filled with excitement, curiosity, and the promise of new friendships and discoveries. In Prep/1 Gold, we are committed to providing a nurturing and engaging environment where each child can grow, learn, and thrive. As we embark on this new academic year, let's take a sneak peek into the subjects we will be exploring this term:
- Ways of praying
- Who is Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy
- The Mercy Value of Compassion.
- Listen to Scripture and make connections with personal experiences.
- Explore a range of texts written by children’s book author, Julia Donaldson
- Phonics, spelling and early reading skills
- Creative writing and storytelling
- Developing vocabulary and communication skills
- Number recognition and counting skills
- Basic addition and subtraction
- Sequencing days of the week and months of the year
- Collecting data
- Patterns
- Investigating the world of living things and their needs
- Exploring plants and animals and their habitats
- Simple experiments and hands-on investigations, observations and discoveries
HaSS (Humanities and Social Sciences):
- This term’s focus is on History
- Families and changing of roles over time
- Identifying the past, present and future
Arts and Technologies:
- Visual arts and media – elements of art
- Music and drama
- Digital and Design Technologies
Year 1 Uniform requirements
Formal uniform – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Sports uniform – Wednesday and Friday
Weekly specialist lessons
Tuesday – Library (Mrs. Tindall) and The Arts: Music and Drama (Mrs. Manthey) * Library bag required.
Wednesday – PE (Mrs. Taylor) and Health (Mrs. Manthey)
This year promises to be filled with exciting challenges, educational adventures, and meaningful milestones for our Prep and Year 1 students. Jodie and I look forward to a fantastic year of growth, learning, and laughter. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Wishing everyone a successful and joyful school year ahead!
Warm regards,
Jodie Inskip
Prep/1 Teacher

Year 2 Blue
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Welcome to Year 2! We hope you've had a fantastic summer break filled with laughter, relaxation, and plenty of memorable moments. As we gear up for another exciting school year, we wanted to extend a warm welcome to all our returning students and a heartfelt greeting to those joining us for the first time.
Year 2 is a time of growth, discovery, and new challenges. Our dedicated team of educators is eager to guide and support each student as they embark on this journey of learning and exploration.
Here are a few highlights and important reminders for the year ahead:
In Year 2, students will delve deeper into core subjects such as English, mathematics, science, HASS and the Arts. They will also have opportunities for hands-on learning experiences, creative expression, and collaborative projects.
As we embark on this journey together, let's foster a spirit of curiosity, kindness, and resilience in our students. We look forward to a year filled with growth, achievement, and cherished memories.
Wishing you all a fantastic start to the school year!
Warm regards,
Kirralee Bronkhurst
Teacher Year 2
Year 2 Gold
Year Two Gold has settled into the 2024 school year. Here are some things that we have enjoyed about the start of Year Two.
-I have loved reading, learning and Maths. (Vance)
-I love learning and making new friends. (Lucas)
-I have loved doing math. (Aree)
-I love leaning in Art and Health. We get to go upstairs. (Archer)
-I love doing Maths. I am good at it. (Joelle)
-I like doing Art and Learning.(Achok)
-I enjoy doing Science and learning about loving and respecting each other in Religion. (Julyus)
-I love that learning is getting harder and more difficult. (Lennox)
-I love calming down and reading. (Lilo)
-I love writing. (Mia)
I have really enjoyed getting to know all the amazing student in Year Two Gold. I look forwards to working together as we go on our learning journey this year.
Stacy Mills
Teacher Year Two Gold
Year 3
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope this message finds you well and that you had a joyful holiday season. As we step into a new year, we are excited to share with you the upcoming adventures and learning experiences awaiting our Year 3 students.
General information:
· Formal uniform - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
· Sports uniform - Wednesday & Friday
· Healthy snack - Please provide your child an additional healthy snack daily (labelled, if possible) for morning 'brain break'
· Homework - Due back to school each Monday please; this gives you the weekend to complete it if your week's been a little hectic!
· Library (Mrs Tindall) & Art (Mrs Manthey) - Tuesday (Don't forget your library bag!)
· PE (Mrs Taylor) & Health (Mrs Manthey) - Wednesday (sports uniform)
· Assembly - Thursday at 2:30pm MEAC (weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
· Chinese - Friday (commencing week 3)
· Church - This year, Year 3 will begin attending Mass along with the other Year 3-6 classes on a rotational basis.
· Classroom expectations - Be Safe, Be a Learner, Be Respectful & Be Responsible
· Homework will commence this week (Week 2) and continue weekly through to week 9. No homework for week's 1 and 10 each term.
· Homework will go home each Monday and needs to be returned the following Monday please.
· Homework consists of
o Reading - 15-20 mins daily; Please complete the reading log included
o Spelling focus - Weekly core words plus individual/extension words are highlighted in the front of the homework book. There are 3 spelling activities to complete using the highlighted words.
o Maths revision - Maths mental worksheet
o Family activity - Please highlight an activity on the grid that you did with/for your family each week
Here’s what the students in Year 3 will be learning this Term:
English: Exploring the Magical World of Matilda
In our English lessons this term, we are diving into the enchanting world of Roald Dahl's "Matilda." The students will embark on a captivating novel study that not only encourages a love for reading but also helps develop their understanding of both narrative and persuasive text types. Get ready for engaging discussions and creative writing inspired by Matilda's extraordinary adventures!
Maths: A Journey Through Various Concepts
Our Maths curriculum this term is filled with a diverse range of concepts. From exploring measurements and understanding space to delving into the realms of money and number, our students will be challenged to think critically and apply their mathematical knowledge to real-world situations. Expect to hear about exciting discoveries and "aha" moments as they navigate these mathematical landscapes.
Science: Unveiling the Wonders of Living Things and Lifecycles
In Science, our young scientists will be exploring the marvels of living things and lifecycles. Through hands-on activities and engaging experiments, students will gain a deeper understanding of the natural world around them. From observing the life cycles of plants and animals, our classrooms will be buzzing with curiosity and exploration.
HASS: Understanding Rules and Community Participation
In Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS), we are on a quest to uncover the significance of rules in our school and local community. Students will explore who makes rules, why they are important, and the consequences of not following them. Additionally, we will delve into the concept of community participation, understanding why people engage in communities and how our young learners can actively contribute to making a positive impact.
Religion: Spiritual Exploration and Learning
In our Religion classes, we will engage in meditative prayer, providing students with moments of reflection and spiritual connection. Furthermore, we will delve into the teachings of Jesus, exploring the life and lessons of this influential figure. The study of the 10 commandments will provide a foundation for ethical understanding and moral development.
We are enthusiastic about the rich learning experiences planned for this term and can't wait to witness the growth and achievements of our Year 3 students. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you'd like to get involved in our classroom activities.
Wishing you a fantastic start to the year ahead!
Warm regards,
The Year 3 Team
Miss Tilly Hose, Mrs Sarah McAllister & Ms Marissa Dixon
Year 4/5 Blue
Hello everyone,
My name is Dannielle Canning, and it is a pleasure to be at Holy Name. I have received a very warm welcome since arriving. A little about me, I am in my fifth year of teaching. I started my full-time teaching career in a beautiful catholic school out at Longreach. After four years of being in Longreach I decided it was time to move closer to family.
I strongly believe in strong relationships between all. I have and always will strive to have an inclusive, calm, caring classroom environment. I also believe in an open-door policy for all. If you have any questions, concerns or would just like to check in about your child please feel free to contact me.
The curriculum focuses for this term:
We are reading rich literature, looking at a wild range of vocabulary and understanding why grammar is important when writing. We will also be developing an exciting, adventure packed narratives and will be creating persuasive text on a range of different topics.
In mathematics this term students will be learning a wide variety of concepts. These include place value, addition and subtraction strategies and solving word problems.
In HaSS this term students will become familiar with the indigenous cultures of Australia and the colonisation of Australia.
In science students will explore how living things have structural features and adaptations, interact within a habitat and have feeding relationships.
Important days of the term:
Monday: Homework will go out on Monday and will need to be returned the following Monday.
Tuesday: Library- please bring library bags today.
Wednesday: PE
Thursday: Assembly every second week (even weeks).
I am extremely excited to be with your student this year. I know it will be an amazing year full of, laughter, friendships and growth.
Thank you,
Dannielle Canning
Year 4/5 Teacher
Year 5/6 Gold
This year Year 5/6 Gold are getting used to working in a larger class, and what it means to be school leaders. We have been learning what is expected during various activities and how to be good leaders.
We have also been listening to and discussing “The Seven Habits of Happy Kids”. To help student stay focused during learning, it would be great if everyone could bring a non-messy piece of fruit to eat in the middle of our first session (e.g. apple/banana/carrot sticks).
On Thursday we will be visiting the Holy Name Parish Church, and on Friday the Year 6s will have their Leadership Retreat. The year 6 students will also work with Mrs Manthey to prepare for our Opening Mass on Wednesday 7th February.
Parents are asked to make sure their children have access to a writing pencil, an eraser, a ruler, and coloured pencils at home for their homework. Pencil cases need to remain at school so students have the tools they need for learning.
Homework will be given on Thursdays and is due the following Thursday morning. It’s going to be a great semester.
Karen Kimber
Year 5/6 Teacher
Welcome to the 2024 school year! I hope you had a restful holiday and are feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the sports events we have planned this year!
The Catholic School Swimming Carnival is being held next Friday the 9th of February at the Glennie Aquatic Centre from 9am until 2pm. A permission and information note will be sent home this week to our Holy Name swimmers who have been selected to compete at this carnival. All events are 50m at this carnival, so if your child receives a note from me and does not wish to compete, please email me ASAP and let me know. We wish them all the best and hope they enjoy themselves!
The Central Zone Swimming Carnival is being held on Tuesday the 13th of February at the Glennie Aquatic Centre. The children who have qualified with their swim times for this carnival will also be notified in the next week.
This week in our PE lessons, and for the next 4 weeks, children will be learning the skills of Soccer, thanks to our Sporting Schools grant we received for this term. Soccer is extremely popular at our school at play time! The children may also notice the new sports balls I have purchased, I do hope they get a ‘kick’ out of using them!
Finally, our Cross Country is scheduled to be held on Wednesday the 27th of March so Save the Date for this exciting event!
Looking forward to a great year of sport, as always, any questions regarding your child and sport, please don’t hesitate to email me at jenna.taylor@twb.catholic.edu.au
Jenna Taylor
PE Teacher

School Fees - Term 1 2024
Term 1 school fees will be emailed out by the end of week three this term. Please contact the school office if you have not received your statement.
We appreciate your committment to paying your fees which allows the school to provide high-quality education programs and experiences for your child.
Thank you.
Student Data Collection
As usual at the start of every school year, the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office will be collecting enrolment-related data from our school at the start of February. This includes information about your residential address and the names of parents and guardians.
Names of students are not required and each student record is labelled with a unique and unidentifiable student reference number (SRN). This number is not used for any other purpose.
Please see the below for a more detailed explanation:
Right to Disconnect
Holy Name Primary School recognises and respects the right of employees to disconnect from work and not respond to work-related electronic communications outside of designated hours.
The protocols apply to all forms of electronic communication originating from colleagues, other staff, parent/s, legal guardians, students or other members of the school community, including emails, texts, telephone calls and messages and video calls.
This means that Holy Name Primary School staff will only reply to electronic communication within the hours of 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday, unless in case of a critical incident or legal matter. Staff contacted outside these hours will respond on their next available working day.
These protocols are designed to protect the wellbeing of our hardworking staff and maintain the most effective means of communication available with our families. We appreciate your understanding and consideration.
Responsible Use of Digital Devices - Webinar
Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Parents and Friends Association will be held on Tuesday February 6th at Holy Name School. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend and get involved in this valuable part of school life.
Triple M Wednesday Weather
Local radio station Triple M has invited students from Holy Name Primary School to go into their studios and read the weather for on-air broadcast.
This would be a pre-recorded segment with the students who would also receive a tour of the radio station plus a prize and certificate for their participation.
Each child who participates also puts their school into the running for a $1000 monthly prize to spend at Harvey Norman Computers, to get something for the school.
If you would like to nominate your child, please use the following link: