2025 Term 1 Week 8
From the Principal - Lisa Cavanagh
APMI - Kerri-Ann Manthey
Sports Coordinator - Kerri-Ann Manthey
Prep - Tennille Kauter
Year 1 - Jodie Inskip
Year 2 - Kirralee Bronkhurst
Year 3 - Sarah McAllister/ Annie Roberts
Year 3/4 - Stacy Mills
Year 4 - Katie Green
Year 5 - Anna Vassen
Year 6 - Sandra Rosentreter
HPE - Jenna Taylor
Before School Safety
St Ursula's Girl for a Day
Bridge Street and West Street Intersection upgrade
From the Principal - Lisa Cavanagh
Week 8 Term 1 2025
Dear Holy Name Families,
As we continue our Lenten journey towards Easter, the readings at Mass during this time are to assist us to prepare for the events of Holy Week. The first reading on the weekend was about the covenant made between Abram and God. A covenant is a sacred promise, and this important scripture is part of the Year 2 Religious Education curriculum.
As I read this scripture, I reflected on the promises and contracts we make throughout our lives. Tennille Kauter and I spent a day last week interviewing the first round of Prep 2026 applicants. As part of this process, parents commit to supporting the policies and procedures of Holy Name School. The first question I always ask in these enrolment interviews is, “Why Holy Name?”. During this latest round of interviews, I was told by prospective parents they had chosen Holy Name because of:
- Our Values (Compassion, Hospitality, Justice and Excellence)
- Our reputation
- The educational experience we provide for students
- Our facilities
- And, because of a recommendation from a current family of Holy Name.
Thank you to all our families who are promoting our wonderful school in such a positive way. Word of mouth recommendations are the best advertising for the school.
We had our PEN AGM last Tuesday evening. It was fantastic to see so many parents in attendance. Congratulations to Tiani Tattam, who was elected as Chair of the Executive Committee and to Stef Griffiths on her election as Secretary. There will be many opportunities throughout the year for families to assist with Working Parties. If you are interested in leading or assisting in a working party for any of the following planned events, please contact the Holy Name School office to register your interest.
- Mother’s Day Breakfast – Friday 9 May
- Father’s Day Breakfast – Thursday 4 September
- Tuckshop at the Athletics Carnival – Friday 13 June
- Adult Social Gathering – Term 3 – date TBC
- Christmas Concert (BBQ) – Term 4 – date TBC
Thank you to all our families who have registered to have a conversation with a SRIP Panel member next week. The gathering of voice for all stakeholders is such an important process in our renewal and growth as a school. If you would like to participate and have availability between 11am and 12:30pm next Tuesday 25 March, please contact the school office.
Lenten Prayer
There is a group of staff gathering each week in preparation for Easter. This kind of Lenten Preparation prayer group is a common occurrence in many Catholic schools and parishes throughout Lent. The program we are following has been prepared by Father Andy Hamilton, an Australian Jesuit Priest, and I wanted to share this week’s prayer with you.
Journey’s End Promised
Jesus, you had talked the talk
And walked the walk,
Called your friends and made your foes,
And glimpsed the cross that lay in wait.
This day you shine in all your glory
With the ancient men of promise.
When we grow weary
In the dust of our lives,
May we, too, touch the fringes
Of your glory
And walk happily with you
Throught the ash and dust and death
To life with you.
APMI - Kerri-Ann Manthey
Harmony Week 17 March-23 March 2025
Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. On Friday, 21 March, the school will celebrate Harmony Day. Students, parents, and staff are invited to come to school dressed in either their national costume or in orange. Students will complete Harmony Day activities in class during the day.
Kerri-Ann Manthey
Send us courage, we pray, O Lord,
that we may follow your ways closely.
May our decisions be thoughtful and our actions kind
that we might live in loving harmony with others.
We ask these prayers in Jesus’ name,
Term One Date Claimers:
Friday 21 March Year Six Leadership Retreat
Friday 21 March Year Three Parish Mass 9.00am (Holy Name Church)
Monday 31 March Mindfulness Monday
Friday 04 April Holy Week Prayer Celebration 8.45am (MEAC)
Sunday 13 April Palm Sunday
Thursday 17 April Holy Thursday
Friday 18 April Good Friday
Sunday 20 April Easter Sunday
Monday 21 April Easter Monday
Sports Coordinator - Kerri-Ann Manthey
Sport Coordinator News
Throughout the year Toowoomba Primary School Sport and Darling Downs School Sport run trials in a variety of sports to choose representative teams. Please see attached document outlining nomination details including dates and eligibility criteria. Please note that ALL NOMINATIONS FOR THESE TRIALS NEED TO GO THROUGH THE SCHOOL. Contact me at kerri-ann.manthey@twb.catholic.edu.au, if you would like to nominate.
Please also contact me if you would like to nominate for the Toowoomba Catholic Schools Interschool Chess Tournament. Nominations are due by 01 April.

Prep - Tennille Kauter

Year 1 - Jodie Inskip

Year 2 - Kirralee Bronkhurst

Year 3 - Sarah McAllister/ Annie Roberts

Year 3/4 - Stacy Mills

Year 4 - Katie Green
Year 5 - Anna Vassen

Year 6 - Sandra Rosentreter

HPE - Jenna Taylor

Before School Safety